Increase placements and create a sustainable competitive advantage

Your college is successful when your students successfully transition into employment. How you help your students transition affects your admissions, retention, alumni engagement, and ultimately your college’s reputation. According to a report by Eduventures, 72% of students stated “career preparation” as very important in their enrollment decision.

Is your career center ready to be part of the solution?

Our job placement solution is designed to navigate today’s difficult and challenging job market. With our solution, career centers can manage career guidance and job search processes efficiently. With our tool kit, career advisors can provide personalized job search guidance as well as monitor each student’s progress. Your students will follow a personalized job search process and land a job with the most advanced job search tools.

Here is what JobPad can do…

Click here to see complete list of features of JobPad

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Integrates seamlessly with 80% of talent management software, as well as: