The Outplacement solution that works without paying a fortune

Due to economic challenges, strategy changes are necessary and you may be forced to make the difficult decision to reduce head count. However, you want to provide job search assistance to compensate for the laid off employees. As Reduction in Force (RIFs) carries significant risks for your organization, it’s your job to balance conflicting priorities; providing best outplacement service as well as staying within the budget.

To find a new job at breakneck speeds is vital to you and your displaced employees and our patent pending outplacement solution provides just that for you.

What does this mean for your organization?

You want to give outplacement support to your former employees but traditional outplacement is not affordable? Your answer is JobPad

What does this mean to departed employees?

Click here to see complete list of features of JobPad

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Integrates seamlessly with 80% of talent management software, as well as: